11th Int. Congress on Amino Acids, Peptide and Protein congress - call for participation and presentation, preliminary program
- 最後更新:
- 2009-02-03 12:37:33
- 活動時間:
- 2009-08-03 ~ 2009-08-07
- 活動地點:
- Vienna
- 報名時間:
- 2009-02-03 ~ 2009-03-31
- 活動費用:
- € 400
This is to invite you to participate in and contribute to the forthcoming meeting in Vienna.
If you desire to present an oral or poster communication,
please submit a tentative title, authors, affiliation and the completed registration form.
We will then reply immediatly and send a letter of acceptance.
Deadlines for titles and registration: March 31st 2009
for abstracts: March 31st 2009
Looking forward to receiving your titles.
Sincerely Yours
Gert Lubec
- 主辦單位:
- 聯絡人:
- Correspondence to: Robert Mostoegl Dpt. of Pediatrics, Medical University of Vienna Waehringer Guertel 18-20 A 1090 Vienna, Austria Fax: +431 40400 6065 EMAIL:robert.mostoegl@meduniwien.ac.at