2022-01-15 ~ 2022-02-12


  • 最後更新:
  • 2021-12-28 09:54:31
  • 活動時間:
  • 2022-01-15 ~ 2022-02-12
  • 活動地點:
  • 線上工作坊
  • 報名時間:
  • 2021-12-10 ~ 2022-01-12
  • 活動費用:
  • 600元 (會員500元)


2021 教學工作坊

Connecting Chemistry Teaching to Sustainability Through Systems Thinking

Dr. Peter Mahaffy
Professor of Chemistry, King’s University, Canada IUPAC “Systems Thinking in Chemistry for Sustainability:Toward 2030 and Beyond (STCS 2030+)” 計劃主持人

Dr. Seamus Delaney
Lecturer in Science Education, Deakin University, Australia

1. 系統思考(systems thinking)是見樹又見林的思考模式,不但著重看見全局,也企圖瞭解其中的動態。工業革命以來所累積的種種複雜難解的挑戰,例如環境變遷、地球資源的使用,已讓教育界瞭解到,過去的教育模式並未培養出具全局思考的專家或公民,不足以擘劃營造永續地球。

2. IUPAC、ACS皆積極鼓勵與推廣基於系統思考的化學教學模組,以期培養出更能洞悉與迎接挑戰的未來世代。

3. 本會教育委員會邀請到引領 IUPAC 化學系統思考教育計畫的 Peter Mahaffy 教授,及教學經驗豐富的 Dr. Seamus Delaney,於 2022 年 1 月與 2 月協力規劃與帶領兩場英文線上工作坊,第一場工作坊讓您了解系統思考以及目前的教案範例,第二場工作坊提供機會讓您提出或聆聽他人的教學計畫,一起思考規劃之道。

4. 參加工作坊可學習系統思考/化學/永續議題,並可體驗國外線上教學活動。

Overview of Systems Thinking and Sustainability
* What is systems thinking?
* Why might you try to incorporate it into your teaching of chemistry?
* How do you go about identifying the essential features of systems thinking and begin to incorporate into your teaching?
* How can systems thinking help your students connect chemistry to global sustainability challenges?

Weaving Sustainability into a Curriculum Topic You Choose Using Systems Thinking
* Between the two workshops, you will have opportunity to select a chemistry topic you teach and use what you learn in the first workshop to incorporate elements of systems thinking into the classroom.
* In this workshop we’ll work through some of the examples you have created, and introduce additional systems thinking resources to link chemistry and sustainability.




  • 主辦單位:
  • 中國化學會、協辦單位:張昭鼎紀念基金會
  • 聯絡人:
  • 錡小姐 02-55728573 Email:ccswww@gate.sinica.edu.tw