

以下學刊雜誌, 歡迎免費索取(8月10日前自取):

- Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, Vol.33(8)~(11), Vol.34(1)~(5)
- Chemworld (by KCS, in Korean), Sep~Nov 2012, Jan~May 2013
Journal of the Korean Chemical Society, V56(4)(5), V57(1)(2)
- Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, Vol. 85(9)~(12), Vol.86(1)(3)~(6)
-Chinese Chemical Letters, Vol.23(7)~(12)
- Analytical Abstracts, Vol.74 (10)~(12)
- Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Vol.44(1)~(3)
- 化工, 第59卷第6期, 第60卷第1~2期
- 科技報導, 375~378
- Journal of Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Vol.24(1)
- Inform, Vol.23(8), Vol.24(1)(2)