[徵才訊息] 中研院基因體中心誠徵儀器開發相關領域之研究人員
意者請將下列資料檔以 E-mail 方式寄至基因體中心─洪上程主任信箱 schung@gate.sinica.edu.tw。
1. 個人履歷(包含學經歷、研究成果、論文著作與專利發明等目錄及三位推薦人)。
2. 三封推薦信。
3. 簡述個人研究興趣及領域。
4. 技術開發計畫書,若能提供與個人研究專長領域相關的下世代分析儀器願景尤佳。
Applications are invited for all levels of research fellow positions in the area of novel instrumentation development. Experience in developing mass spectrometry; chromatography; optical analytical instruments; analytical biomedical instruments and biomedical imaging and therapy instruments are favored. Industrial working experience is preferred. Inventor-ship of patents will also be considered in addition to paper publications.
For consideration, please email the following materials to Director SC Hung:
1. A curriculum vitae, including detailed education and working experience, major research achievement, a list of publications and patents and 3 references.
2. 3 recommendation letters.
3. A cover letter describing your area of interest.
4. A technology development plan is also required. A vision statement on next generation analytical instruments in your field is also preferred.
Director Shang-Cheng Hung
Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica
128 Academia Road, Section 2
Nankang Dist., Taipei 11529, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-2789-1200
Email: schung@gate.sinica.edu.tw