邀請您參加國際科學理事會 ICSU 2018 年全球數學、計算和自然科學工作者調查問卷


化學人和化工人(和其他科學領域的研究生和專家),您在哪呢?可否幫忙填寫問卷,讓我們了解如何創造更好的學習和工作環境?發揮您的影響力吧!臺灣目前參與填寫問卷人數偏低!問卷填寫到今年 12 月 31 日(一)截止,問卷網址如下,不要猶豫,現在就填,感謝您的協助!


在此誠摯地邀請您參加 2018 年全球數學、計算和自然科學工作者調查。 您可以在 http://statisticalresearchcenter.org/global18 找到本調查。 本調查提供七種語言版本(英語、法語、俄語、西班牙語、阿拉伯語、中文和日語)。您只需在本調查的第一頁選擇您的語言即可。本調查是十一個國際學術組織合作的一項跨學科的計畫,並由國際科學理事會(ICSU)支持,旨在進一步瞭解世界各地的數學、計算和自然科學學者和從業人員所面臨的問題。合作夥伴包括:

1. 國際數學聯合會(IMU)

2. 國際純粹與應用化學聯合會(IUPAC)

3. 國際純粹與應用物理學聯合會(IUPAP)

4. 國際工業與應用數學理事會(ICIAM)

5. 國際天文學聯合會(IAU)

6. 聯合國教育、科學及文化組織(UNESCO)

7. 國際生物科學聯合會(IUBS)

8. 科學、創新、技術和工程中的性別(GenderInSITE)

9. 國際科技史與科技哲學聯合會(IUHPST)

10. 第三世界婦女科學組織(OWSD)

11. 美國電腦協會(ACM)

該項目的具體任務之一是收集世界各地的資料,以使所有國家/地區(尤其是發展中國家/地區)的決策者瞭解如何縮小男性與女性之間在數學、計算和自然科學方面的差距。本項計畫的資料是由非營利性的美國物理聯合會(American Institute of Physics)統計研究中心(Statistical Research Center)協助收集。回答本調查的問題是自願的,您的個人資訊將受到嚴格保密。我們希望能夠收到數萬名來自世界各角落的回應!


Marie-Francoise Roy(IMU)和 Mei-Hung Chiu(邱美虹)(IUPAC)敬上


This email is being sent to you on behalf of the Project Co-Leaders of the “Gender Gap in Science” project. For more details regarding this multidiscipline project, please see:

https://iupac.org/projects/project-details/?project_nr=2017-007-1-020 or visit the public website https://icsugendergapinscience.org

As of this current date, the responses from Chemists is under represented in the survey. We are asking for more input from you or people in your organizations and countries. I hope you will take the time to participate.

You will find the survey at https://statisticalresearchcenter.aip.org/cgi-bin/global18.pl

The survey is available in seven languages (English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese). Simply choose your language on the first page of the survey. It takes about 10 minutes to fill out the survey. The deadline for answering the survey is on Dec 31, 2018. Currently, we only have 1454 replies from the world. We need more!

Don’t hesitate about it, please answer the survey now!

The survey is part of an interdisciplinary collaboration of eleven partners, supported by the International Council for Science (ICSU), which aims to better understand the problems mathematical, computing, and natural science academics and practitioners are facing around the world. The partners are:

1. International Mathematical Union (IMU)

2. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)

3. International Union for Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)

4. International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM)

5. International Astronomical Union (IAU)

6. United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

7. International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS)

8. Gender in Science, Innovation, Technology and Engineering (GenderInSITE)

9. International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST)

10. Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD)

11. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

One of the specific tasks for the project is to collect data across the world to inform policy makers from all countries, especially developing countries, about reducing the gap between men and women in mathematical, computing, and natural sciences.

The data are being collected by the non-profit Statistical Research Center of the American Institute of Physics. Responses to this survey are voluntary, and your individual information will be held in strict confidence. We are aiming for thousands of respondents from every corner of the world!

We will also need your help to find more respondents (men and women), to answer this survey. Please forward this e-mail to send it to anyone (both men and women) who has studied or worked in mathematics, computing, natural sciences, or the history and philosophy of science and technology. You can find the cover letters in all seven languages of the survey here: https://icsugendergapinscience.org/2018-global-survey-of-mathematical-computing-and-natural-scientists/ It is only by hearing from as many people as possible that we can understand the worldwide situation for people in these fields.

Thank you for your help with this important effort.


Marie-Francoise Roy (IMU) and Mei-Hung Chiu (IUPAC)

Coordinators of the Gender Gap in Science project


  1. https://icsugendergapinscience.org/2018-global-survey-of-mathematical-computing-and-natural-scientists/