[學術徵才] 中興大學化學系誠聘專任助理教授以上教師 3 名


國立中興大學化學系誠聘專任助理教授以上教師 3 名

四、起聘日期:自 113 (2024)年 2 月 1 日起。
  (1) 新聘申請書(含經歷證明影本)。
  (2) 代表著作及參考著作目錄一覽表。
  (3) 代表著作抽印本或影本 1 份。2019 年 2 月 1 日之後且為前一等級之後出版公開發行。
  (4) 參考著作(2017 年 2 月 1 日之後),各抽印本或影本 1 份。
  (5) 學位證書影本(如為外國學歷請先辦理駐外單位認證)。
  (6) 未來研究方向、研究計劃。
  (7) 可教授課程之教學大綱。
  (8) 大學部及研究所歷年成績單。
  (9) 推薦函 3 封(含指導教授 1 封)。
  (10) 其他資料(如得獎事蹟、國科會計畫核定清單…等)。
六、截止日期:112 年 5 月 31 日(以郵戳為憑)
七、郵寄地址:402202 台中市南區興大路 145 號,國立中興大學化學系收,應徵信封請註明「應聘教師」

相關表格電子檔請至本系網站系所公告下載 http://www.nchu.edu.tw/chem

電話號碼:04-2284-0411 分機 479

Faculty Position Opening(s) in Department of Chemistry at National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan

The Department of Chemistry at the National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, seeks applicants for tenure-track positions at any level starting from February 1st, 2024. Individual with extraordinary promise or accomplishment in organic, inorganic or analytical chemistry research area within are encouraged to apply. The qualification required to be considered for the positions is with a PhD degree in chemistry or a closely related discipline and at least one year postdoctoral experience by the date of applying. Preference will be given to candidates who are able to teach in English fluently.

Essential documents for applicants:
(1) Faculty application form, with a copy of certificate of research/work experiences.
(2) A List of representative and reference publications.
(3) A copy of representative publication, which must be published after Feb. 1st 2019. (If the candidate applies for associate or full professor position, the representative publication published during the current position is necessary.)
(4) A copy of each listed reference publications published after Feb. 1st 2017.
(5) A copy of certificate of doctorate degree. For doctorate degree obtained abroad, the certificate must be verified by the ROC Embassies or Missions abroad.
(6) Research plan.
(7) Teaching plan.
(8) Transcripts of undergraduate and graduate studies.
(9) Three recommendation letters, including a letter from the doctoral advisor.
(10) Other materials that may help for evaluation.

Application documents should be mailed before May 31, 2023
Mailing address: Department of Chemistry, National Chung Hsing University 145 Xingda Rd., South Dist., Taichung City 402, Taiwan (ROC)

Please marked “Application for faculty position” on the mail cover.

(1) Related e-documents can be found in https://www2.nchu.edu.tw/news-detail/id/50709
(2) Potential candidates will be informed for an interview. No return of the application documents.
(3) Contact information:
Voice: +886-422840411 ext. 479 (Miss Wu)


  1. http://www.nchu.edu.tw/chem