[學術徵才] 臺灣大學化學系誠徵助理教授(含)以上專任教師


臺灣大學化學系誠徵助理教授(含)以上專任教師 1 至 2 名。歡迎從事化學前瞻研究學者申請,分析化學領域學者將被優先考量。申請者須符合於截止日前具 1 年以上博士後研究經驗。

申請者請於 112 年 7 月 15 日前,將下列資料檔以 E-mail 方式寄至聯絡人簡佳慧編審(chiahui0@ntu.edu.tw),主旨註明應徵化學系教職。

1. 推薦函 3 封,其中 1 封須為博士論文指導教授。
2. 個人履歷(CV)及歷年論文著作目錄。
3. 近 5 年之著作檔案。
4. 教學計畫。有意著重教學者,請附上教學理念與規劃及教學實踐研究計畫。
5. 研究計畫(含所需之特殊設備或儀器及經費預算)

臺灣大學化學系網站 https://www.ch.ntu.edu.tw/Default.html

臺大化學系楊吉水教授 jsyang@ntu.edu.tw 02-3366-1649
臺大化學系主任室簡佳慧編審 chiahui0@ntu.edu.tw 02-3366-1148

Faculty Positions – Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University

The Department of Chemistry at NTU is committed to research excellence in all fields of chemistry. The Department invites applications for one or two full-time, open-rank faculty positions. Individuals working at all frontier and competitive research areas of chemistry, particularly in the fields of Analytical Chemistry, will be considered. At least one year of post-doctoral experience is required by the application deadline.

Candidates should submit electronically a cover letter, detailed curriculum vitae, a list of publications, reprints of representative papers published in the last five years, a statement of teaching preferences (for those who wish to emphasize education, please include teaching philosophy, teaching plans, and drafts of educational grant applications), a description of research plans, and a start-up budget including facility and instrumentation needs to Ms. Chia-Hui Chien at chiahui0@ntu.edu.tw by July 15, 2023. Candidates should also arrange for three letters of reference (including one from the Ph.D. thesis advisor) submitted on their behalf.

Website: https://www.ch.ntu.edu.tw/en/Default.html


Prof. Jye-Shane Yang, Department of Chemistry, 886-2-336661649, jsyang@ntu.edu.tw

Ms. Chia-Hui Chien, Office of Department of Chemistry, 886-2-33661148, chiahui0@ntu.edu.tw


  1. https://www.ch.ntu.edu.tw/Default.html