[學術徵才] 臺灣大學凝態科學研究中心徵聘專任研究員(112 年 10 月 31 日截件)




(1) 履歷表(含學經歷、國內外獎項及其他榮譽、主要專長及預定研究方向)
(2) 學位證明書及身分證正反面或護照影本
(3) 三封推薦信
(4) 五年內代表著作一篇
(5) 七年內參考著作一至五篇
(6) 著作目錄表
(7) 最高學歷之歷年成績單正本
(8) 研究計畫及經費、儀器需求


意者請於 112 年 10 月 31 日前將申請資料(電子檔)E-mail 至凝態科學研究中心周蔚伶小姐,郵件請註明「應徵凝態中心職缺」。
E-mail: cwli1828@ntu.edu.tw

Faculty Positions at Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University

Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, a premier research center at National Taiwan University, has immediate openings for tenure-track faculty positions. The rank of faculty positions will match the candidate’s qualifications. Applicants with excellent credentials in cutting-edge condensed matter research fields, such as emerging materials and their physical and/or chemical functionalities, and advanced spectroscopic or microscopic techniques, in both fundamental and applied aspects, will be considered. Physics, Chemistry, or Material background is welcome. Applicant should send resume, publication list, research plan, and three letters of recommendation to:

Director, Michitoshi Hayashi, Ph.D.
Center for Condensed Matter Sciences,
National Taiwan University
Taipei 106, TAIWAN
Center Assistant: Wei-Lin Chou
Email: cwli1828@ntu.edu.tw
Phone: +886-2-33665201
Fax: +886-2-23655404

The closing date for application is Oct. 31, 2023.


  1. http://www.ntu-ccms.ntu.edu.tw/zh/jobs