2023-10-15 ~ 2023-10-15


  • 最後更新:
  • 2023-10-13 08:15:50
  • 活動時間:
  • 2023-10-15 ~ 2023-10-15
  • 活動地點:
  • 線上
  • 報名時間:
  • 2023-10-15 ~ 2023-10-12
  • 活動費用:


教學重擔一定都要在老師身上!? 如何讓學生的學習更有主動性且彼此學習?

歡迎報名由馮寬文博士主講之Webinar,並實際體驗他的上課方式。馮博士獲得新加坡國內外教學獎項,且為《Journal of Chemical Education》Editorial Advisory Board 成員。

時間:10/15(日) 10:00~11:30 am 的 Webinar
講者:馮寬文博士(Dr. Fun Man Fung)國立新加坡大學 Instructor


在本次演講中,將分享我在新加坡國立大學(NUS)化學系實施課程設計及研究的各式案例,強調透過互動軟體平台和影片,促進學生主動學習,以及促發同儕引領的學習。 除了改變長期以來以講述授課為主的學習模式外,我們導入系統思考(systems thinking)幫助學生看到全局,透過永續發展和環境議題,促進學生對事實、證據、觀察結果和論證分析的判斷,從而獲得新知識。我也將介紹其他國家化學教育的趨勢和成功案例供參考。

【馮寬文博士簡介】 (https://chemistry.nus.edu.sg/people/fung-fun-man/ )

* 跨學科模塊課程負責人:環境化學永續性與氣候問題、綠色技術採用、聯合國 17 項可持續發展目標微技能培訓
* 《Journal of Chemical Education》Editorial Advisory Board 成員
* 2020 CAS Future Leaders, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) of the American Chemical Society (ACS)
* 150 Alumni of Technical University of Munich, Germany, TUM 150 Jahre Culture of excellence
* 2019 D2L Innovation Award in Teaching and Learning, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE)
* International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Periodic Table of Younger Chemists, 2019
* 參與 IUPAC 計劃、參與國際化學奧林匹亞活動。


Title: Fostering changes in higher education: a case of the National University of Singapore
In this talk, I will share the case-studies conducted at the Department of Chemistry at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in implementing pedagogical research, emphasizing interactive technology platforms and videos to promote students’ active and peer-led team learning. In addition to changing the long-standing learning landscape focusing on didactic teaching, we introduce systems thinking as examples of sustainability and environmental issues into the course contents that promote students judgment on facts, evidence, observation results, and argument analysis to acquire new knowledge. I will also present trends and successful cases in chemistry education in other countries as a future reference for Taiwan’s chemistry community.

Relevant work:
Fung, F. M., & Kim, Y. (2023). Bringing Back Learning Communities in the 21st Century.
Yep, B. L., Tan, T. K., & Fung, F. M. (2023). How Partial Anonymity May Reduce Students’ Anxiety During Remote Active Learning─ A Case Study Using Clubhouse. Journal of Chemical Education, 100(2), 459-468.
Kim, Y., Wijaya Ong, C. I., & Fung, F. M. (2023). Supplementary Discourse-Forming an Online Learning Community with Asynchronous Discussions. Journal of Chemical Education, 100(2), 496-506.
Ong, J. S. H., Mohan, P. R., Han, J. Y., Chew, J. Y., & Fung, F. M. (2021). Coding a Telegram Quiz Bot to Aid Learners in Environmental Chemistry.

  • 主辦單位:
  • 社團法人中國化學會、協辦:臺師大深耕計畫
  • 聯絡人:
  • 張小姐02-5572-8574、E-mail:webcslt@gate.sinica.edu.tw