ACCC8 第八屆亞洲配位化學研討會 8th Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry 榮獲經濟部國際貿易局「推動國際會議及展覽在臺辦理計畫」補助
- 最後更新:
- 2022-07-22 01:00:33
- 活動時間:
- 2022-08-07 ~ 2022-08-11
- 活動地點:
- 台北, 臺灣大學博雅教學館
- 報名時間:
- 2021-12-01 ~ 2022-07-25
- 活動費用:
The Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ACCC) is the largest and most reputable regional conference in Asia focusing on the area of coordination chemistry. The aims of the conference are to provide a forum for coordination chemists from all over the world to gather together and present their most recent research findings and to offer a stimulating atmosphere to discuss and exchange ideas on the most frontier research topics in coordination chemistry. The conference also serves to showcase the fast development of coordination chemistry in Asia.
The conference is devoted to the recent advances and new trends in coordination chemistry including electronic structures and bonding of metal complexes, supramolecular chemistry, organometallic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, metal catalysis, small molecule activation, functional coordination compounds for materials science, biomedical science and environmental science and energy, as well as other emerging topics in coordination chemistry.
ACCC8 第八屆亞洲配位化學研討會 8th Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry
Event Date: August 7, 2022 to August 11, 2022
Venue: Taipei, Taiwan, and online
To promote coordination chemistry, Taiwanese undergraduate students are welcome to attend ACCC8 free of charge (Limited).
- 主辦單位:
- 聯絡人: