2020-02-12 ~ 2020-02-12
Webinar; Kaohsiung

歡迎踴躍參加 2020 年 IUPAC 女化學家/科學家早餐會線上連線(男女不拘)

  • 最後更新:
  • 2022-02-11 04:30:29
  • 活動時間:
  • 2020-02-12 ~ 2020-02-12
  • 活動地點:
  • Webinar; Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  • 報名時間:
  • 2020-01-30 ~ 2020-02-12
  • 活動費用:
  • Free


2020 年 2 月 12 日,國際純化學暨應用化學聯合會(IUPAC)將舉辦一場女化學家/科學家早餐會連線(#GWB2020)。此活動為 2019 年 IUPAC100 週年慶祝活動之一,初次辦理獲得相當大的迴響,故今年將持續辦理。今年主題為「Building Bonds to Create Future Leaders」,除了幫助女科學家擴大其國內與國際的關係網絡外,亦聚焦於「女性科學領導人才的培育」之相關議題。

今年全球早餐會連線由中山大學化學系舉辦,將使用 Skype、Zoom、Twitter 等(請見下方網路連線 Webinar),與印度及斯里蘭卡的女化學家/科學家進行連線,討論相關議題。除增進化學/科學界的女性朋友與世界的連結,也將以研究生涯的規劃與經驗進行交流。活動結束後還有紓壓的音樂會,特別安排了中山大學的師生共同演出愛樂小聚的音樂會,歡迎關心化學/科學界的女性發展的朋友們前來參加!

活動時間:2 月 12 日 08:50 ~ 12:00
活動地點:中山大學化學系會議室(理學院大樓 SC3003~2)
線上連線:請詳見下方「網路連線 Webinar」

IUPAC 2020 Global Women’s Breakfast

Following the successful event organized during IUPAC100, a global breakfast is being organized again on 12 February 2020. The theme for GWB2020 is “Building bonds to create future leaders”. The Global Women’s Breakfast was designed to assist women chemists to expand their network of contacts, both locally and internationally. Women at different stages of their individual careers are encouraged to connect each other about their career progress, and explore more opportunities, in professional development, research or/and teaching horizons. Organizations of all types include universities, companies, national chemistry societies, government laboratories, and other scientific organizations and individual groups of chemists, were invited to participate. Scientists from around the world are invited to participate in the IUPAC 2020 Global Women’s Breakfast (IUPAC-GWB2020). The overall purpose of IUPAC-GWB2020 is to establish an on-going virtual network where women in the chemical and related sciences can connect with each other in multiple beneficial ways to support their professional aspirations and to develop leadership skills. These bonds will depend upon the needs of your team such as finding research partners, mentor/mentee, colleagues, educational resources, job opportunities, etc.

The meeting in Taiwan will be located at department of chemistry, National Sun Yat Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. We plan to connect with other country’s breakfast such as India and Sri Lanka and discuss related issues. The aims for this meeting are to increase the connection of our Taiwan female chemists with each other and also from all countries of the world, sharing experiences and ideas for the students and researchers. All genders are welcomed to attend the meeting. In addition, after the meeting, we will have a relaxing music party for fun activity. Several teachers and students will play music instruments or sing songs in the party.

Date/Time: February 12, 2020, 08:50 AM ~ 12:00 PM (UTC+8)
Venue: SC3003~2, Department of Chemistry, National Sun Yat-Sen University.
Campus Map: https://www.nsysu.edu.tw/p/412-1000-1503.php
Webinar Details:

議程表 Agenda

08:50~09:00 Registration

09:00~09:30 Breakfast and Introduction about the meeting

09:30~09:45 Discussion for the main topic: Building bonds to create future leaders
Hui-Fen Wu, Professor of Chemistry, Naitonal Sun Yat-Sen University
Nadinii (India student), Chemistry Department, Naitonal Sun Yat-Sen University
Di Wu (China student), Chem. Department, Naitonal Sun Yat-Sen University
Thakshila Dharmappriya (Sri Lanka student), Department of Environmental Engineering, Naitonal Sun Yat-Sen University

09:45~10:00 Skype meeting with India
Professor Thankamani Marar, D. Y. Patil university, Mumbai, India.

10:00~10:15 Skype meeting with India
Amit Sharma, Department of Biotechnology, Indian institute of technology Bombay, Mumbai, India.

10:15~10:25 Skype meeting with India
Dr. Smriti Sharma, Department of Pharmacology, Government medical college. Haldwani, Uttrakhand, India.

10:25~10:45 Skype meeting with India
Professor Kailasa and his 5 female students, Department of Applied Chemistry, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India.

10:45~11:00 Skype meeting with Sri Lanka
Rajakannage Manusha Thathsarani Dissanayake, Uva Wellassa University, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka.

11:00~12:00 Relaxing Music Party
Several teachers and students of NSYSU will play music instruments or sing songs in the relaxing music party.

網路連線 Webinar

Skype: huifenwu@hotmail.com.tw
Twitter: hui34423353
Zoom: 5252000

01. 事先安裝 Zoom Client 視訊軟體 https://zoom.us/download#client_4meeting
02. 連結上
03. 開啟會議步驟說明:
 1. 請確認已經安裝 Zoom Client 視訊軟體。
 2. 請於會議期間點選「會議室連結」。
 3. 進入會議室網頁後,請點選「進入會議室」。
 4. 請允許啟動 Zoom Client 視訊軟體,接著輸入會議密碼「5252000」,即可進入會議室。

01. 請於會議期間開啟「會議室連結」網頁,查詢會議 ID(9-11碼數值)。
02. 手動執行您已安裝的 Zoom 視訊軟體。
03. Zoom 選單點選「加入會議」後,於會議 ID 文字框內完成輸入,並再次點選「加入會議」。
04. 輸入會議密碼「525200」,即可參與視訊會議。

您也可以使用 TANet VoIP 網路話機直撥:直撥號碼「950999001」,撥通後請用話機鍵盤輸入會議密碼「5252000」,即可參與線上語音會議。

報名聯絡 Registration contact

吳慧芬教授 Professor Hui-Fen Wu
女化學家聯誼會召集人(歡迎加入女化學家之 Line 群組)
中山大學化學系 Dept. Chemistry, National Sun Yat-Sen University
E-mail: hwu@faculty.nsysu.edu.tw
TEL: 886-7-5252000 Ext: 3955